# User
A user is an account on another service (like Github, Twitter, Reddit, etc) linked to a key with a signed statement in a sigchain.
This allows others to search and verify a key as belonging to a user identity.
The steps are:
- Generate a user signed statement (saltpack armored) with the name, service and key identifier.
- Place the statement on the service at an URL controlled by the account (e.g. a Tweet, Gist, Reddit post).
- Save a signed statement in the key's sigchain (PUT /sigchain/:kid/:seq) including name, service, key identifier and url from step 2.
# Statement
The signed statement signs the following fields:
Fields | Description |
k | Key identifier. |
n | Username. |
sr | Service (github, twitter, reddit). |
For example,
"k": "kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c",
"n": "gabriel",
"sr": "github"
You can create a signed user statement from the command line:
keys user sign -kid "kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c" \
-service "github" -name "gabriel"
kdZaJI1U5AS7G6i VoUxdP8OtPzEoM6 pYhVl0YQZJnotVE wLg9BDb5SUO05pm
abUSeCvBfdPoRpP J8wrcF5PP3wTCKq 6Xr2MZHgg6m2Qal gJCD6vMqlBQfIg6
QsfB27aP5DMuXlJ AUVIAvMDHIoptmS riNMzfpwBjRShVL WH70a0GOEqD6L8b
Place this user signed statement at a location or the service, for example, https://gist.github.com/gabriel/ceea0f3b675bac03425472692273cf52 (opens new window).
# Sigchain Statement
After placing the signed statement at an URL, save a signed statement in the sigchain with the additional information.
Fields | Description |
k | Key identifier. |
n | Username. |
sq | Sigchain seq (position). |
sr | Service (github, twitter). |
u | URL to signed statement. |
For example,
"k": "kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c",
"n": "gabriel",
"sq": 2,
"sr": "github",
"u": "https://gist.github.com/gabriel/02fae653e737bdeb7c730da669c949b1"
You can save to the a user statement to the sigchain from the command line:
keys user add -kid "kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c" \
-service "github" -name "gabriel" \
-url "https://gist.github.com/gabriel/02fae653e737bdeb7c730da669c949b1"
Using the kid and seq (sigchain position), you can lookup the sigchain item to find the user signed statement:
curl https://keys.pub/sigchain/kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c/1
".sig": "RZhVfrd6IpHFdUbn3hmxKh0UQpzjdkRPBZHE3Ag8sZHOqGvDG1wfRKZQ5vuAJDXQCuDoe6uGX1+xnk9qd8sPDw==",
"data": "eyJrIjoia2V4MW1uc2VnMjh4dTZnM2o0d3VyN2hxd2s4YWczZnUzcG1yMnQ1bHluYzI2eG1nZmYwZHRyeXF1cGY4MGMiLCJuIjoiZ2FicmllbCIsInNxIjoxLCJzciI6ImdpdGh1YiIsInUiOiJodHRwczovL2dpc3QuZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9nYWJyaWVsL2NlZWEwZjNiNjc1YmFjMDM0MjU0NzI2OTIyNzNjZjUyIn0=",
"kid": "kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c",
"seq": 1,
"ts": 1580344349629,
"type": "user"
Or use the command line:
keys sigchain show -kid kex1mnseg28xu6g3j4wur7hqwk8ag3fu3pmr2t5lync26xmgff0dtryqupf80c -seq 1
# Revoke
You can remove the user account by revoking the sigchain statement or removing the signed statement at the URL.
# Verify
For example, to verify the user keys.pub@https
matches the key kex1ydecaulsg5qty2axyy770cjdvqn3ef2qa85xw87p09ydlvs5lurq53x0p3
you would:
- Get the sigchain from keys.pub/sigchain/kex1ydecaulsg5qty2axyy770cjdvqn3ef2qa85xw87p09ydlvs5lurq53x0p3 (opens new window).
- Verify the sigchain statements.
- Get the user from the sigchain.
- Request the user URL and verify the signed statement matches the sigchain statement.
See the example at github.com/keys-pub/keys-ext/http/client/sigchain_examples_test.go (opens new window)