# Auth

By default, clients must be authorized with a token to use the local keysd service.

The keys client reads the auth token from the KEYS_AUTH environment variable.

For more details on how auth works, see specs/auth.

# keys auth

The first time you run keys auth, it will ask you to setup a password. Running keys auth gives you a token which is available for the life of the local service process.

keys auth

OK, let's create a password.
Create a password:
Re-enter the password:

export KEYS_AUTH="AbGNXgc4aK9x1b1pHlOLZ33meXyv796DyWK5jHqiS1R"
# To output an auth token:
#  keys auth -token
# To include in a shell environment:
#  export KEYS_AUTH=`keys auth -token`
# or using eval:
#  eval $(keys auth)
# For Powershell:
#  $env:KEYS_AUTH = (keys auth -token)

If you are in a a bash/zsh environment, you can run:

> eval $(keys auth)
# or
> export KEYS_AUTH=`keys auth -token`